Register Machines, Part 2 - Freeform Labels
By Dylan Thinnes, Last Edited Sat 18 Apr 18:02:54 BST 2020
Table of Contents
Defining Flexible Labels
This is the second post in a series on implementing register machines in Haskell. If you haven’t read Part 1, I’d recommend you go back to read it.
So what exactly are “flexible” labels? What aspect of our existing labels makes them “inflexible”?
Let’s take a look at the sample program we wrote in the previous post. I’ve marked the labels in decjz instructions with brackets.
1: inc 0
2: decjz 0 [7]
3: inc 1
4: inc 2
5: inc 3
6: decjz 3 [2]
7: inc 4
There are three obvious problems with this labelling system, and a clear solution to each one.
Problem: Every time a new line needs to be inserted for new functionality, we need to change all gotos for lines after the new line, and keep the ones before.
Solution: Each label point should be independent, rather than ordered. This way changing one label affects none of the other labels.
Problem: Line numbers contain no information as to the role of that specific jump point in the program. A string such as “loop1” would be far more useful.
Solution: Labels should be strings or something that can carry a name, so that the reader can identify what each label does.
Problem: Every line needs to be numbered - as the reader, we can’t ignore lines that are never used as jump points, since every line has an associated label.
Solution: Allow some lines to have no label at all.
Ideally, our program above could be written as something more like the following:
inc 0
loop: decjz 0 exit
inc 1
inc 2
inc 3
decjz 3 loop
exit: inc 4
Isn’t that a lot cleaner and easier to grok?
Implementing Our Solution
So, to summarise our solution, we need a system where:
- Labels don’t need to be ordered.
- Labels can take on any typed value with reasonable meaning to the programmer.
- Some lines can have no label at all.
As usual, we will start with the types and work our way forwards to the code.
Start with Program source code
Since we’re making changes to how source code is represented before being run, let’s begin by adapting the type signature of Program
Since our Instruction
s still have a clear ordering, we will still need a linked list, but we will also need to annotate them with information, so we can use a simple list of tuples.
type Program = [(?, Instruction)] -- What do we store in the "?"
Since we want to be able to have any label type, lets paramaterize the Program
by label
type Program label = [(label, Instruction)]
However, we also need to be able to have no annotation, so wrapping in a Maybe is a quick and decent choice.
type Program label = [(Maybe label, Instruction)]
Adapting Instructions to Flexible Labels
However, now that our labels could be anything, the Label
type used internally by Instruction
can only point to Integer
s. Let’s fix that by making the Instruction
also paramaterizable by label.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
data Instruction label = Inc Register | Decjz Register label
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
-- We can now pass our label to the instruction and be sure that it agrees.
type Program label = [(Maybe label, Instruction label)]
Great, we have a type signature to represent our code internally! Let’s take this for a spin and write some Haskell code that would represent our program:
myProgram :: Program String
myProgram =
[ (Nothing, Inc 0) -- inc 0
, (Just "loop", Decjz 0 "exit") -- loop: decjz 0 exit
, (Nothing , Inc 1) -- inc 1
, (Nothing , Inc 2) -- inc 2
, (Nothing , Inc 3) -- inc 3
, (Nothing , Decjz 4 "loop") -- decjz 3 loop
, (Just "exit", Inc 4) -- exit: inc 4
If you squint, you can see just how our original simplified source code on the right became the Haskell encoding on the left.
Introducing “Assembled”
Unfortunately, our old stepping code won’t work very well with this “list” approach. What we need is an Assembled
version of a Program
, where all instructions are assigned an Integer and all labels are resolved to an Integer, so that our old stepping code can be run with the bare minimum of modifications.
As usual, let’s begin by deriving the type of Assembled code. Since instructions now contain free labels, we’ll want to resolve them to Integers. Thus, maybe an Array
sending Position
s to Instruction
s would be best for Assembled?
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Data.Array
newtype Position = Position Integer
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Num)
type Assembled = Array Position (Instruction Position)
However, some labels pointed to in instructions will not resolve to any label in the program. In that case, we want to preserve the Instruction
s prexisting label. Thus, a better choice of argument to Instruction
is Either label Position
type Assembled label = Array Position (Instruction (Either label Position))
A Moment for Reflection
There, we now have a rational definition for Assembled label
. Now: notice how our definition for a Program
has progressed from the type we had in our previous blog post.
type Program = Map Label Instruction
type Program label = [(Maybe label, Instruction label)]
type Assembled label = Array Position (Instruction (Either label Position))
The previous definition of Program
did two separate jobs, code representation and code interpretation. We have now split that into two more purpose-built types which perform each job better.
Converting Program to Assembled
Now, we need a function which takes our original Program
with label
and, regardless of the label
, associates a Position
with each Instruction
and resolves every label
to its appropriate Position
, if it exists.
We’ll start with some helper functions for querying Program
s. The first is labelsPositions
, which will return a map of label
s to Position
s in the code, given a Program
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map
-- Get all of the labels out of a Program, with their positions attached
labelsPositions :: (Ord label) => Program label -> Map label Position
labelsPositions program = Data.Map.fromList
$ catMaybes
$ zipWith extractLabelPos program [0..]
-- Given a Maybe label and an instruction and a position, join the position
-- with the instruction only if it exists
extractLabelPos (maybeLabel, _) pos = fmap (,pos) maybeLabel
This will be useful to convert label
s into Position
s inside of each Instruction label
we encounter.
Next, we define a simple helper, mayToErr
, which will apply a partial function f :: (a -> Maybe b)
on a value x :: a
, returning Right result
if the function returns Just result
and returning Left x
mayToErr :: (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> Either a b
mayToErr f a = case f a of
Just b -> Right b
Nothing -> Left a
Using this, partial functions can keep the old information that they fail with.
We will also need another simple helper: it turns a list into an array, indexed by some Num
. Though it is not an important function to understand, I define it here so you, dear reader, can define it while following along in a REPL or program.
listToArray :: (Num i, Ix i) => [a] -> Array i a
listToArray list = listArray (0, fromIntegral $ length list - 1) list
Now, we can define our assembler, which uses these two helper functions to quickly turn all label
s into Position
s, using the Functor
instance of Instruction
, and then attaches a Position
to each Instruction
in sequence.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Map ((!?))
assemble :: forall label. (Ord label) => Program label -> Assembled label
assemble program = assembled
-- First, get labels with positions
lpos = labelsPositions program
-- Define a function which will "assemble" a given label to a Position, if
-- it exists
assembleLabel :: label -> Either label Position
assembleLabel label = mayToErr (lpos !?) label
-- Get all instructions, and "assemble" their labels, using fmap
instrs :: [Instruction (Either label Position)]
instrs = map (fmap assembleLabel) (map snd program)
-- Zip together positions and instrs, and turn that into an Array
assembled = listToArray instrs
As you can see, we start by finding Position
s, then fmap
over each Instruction label
to turn those instructions to using Position
s. Finally, we assemble that all into an Array
that fits the definition of Assembled
Building Machines with our Assembled
Now, we need a machine to contain our Assembled
and then functions to interpret that machine. Because we did the work of defining appropriate types up front, our types differ only slightly from our last post, and the code can be minimally adapted.
Start With Data Types
Let’s start with the data types & functions to define & construct machines:
-- Allow State's counter to provide a label or a Position
data State label = State
{ counter :: Either label Position
, registers :: Map Register Integer
-- Replace the `Program` with `Assembled label`, parametrize by label
data Machine label = Machine
{ assembled :: Assembled label
, state :: State label
-- Parametrize `Interpreter` over `Either label Position`
type Interpreter label = Instruction (Either label Position) -> State label -> State label
As you can see, the changes were:
- We changed
. - Allowed
to be either alabel
. - Parametrized all three main types over
In order to build machines more easily, let’s build a toMachine
helper which combines the assembling and machining steps.
-- Turn any `Program label` to a ready-to-run `Machine label`
toMachine :: (Ord label) => Program label -> Machine label
toMachine program = Machine (assemble program) (State (Right 0) Data.Map.empty)
That’s all of our core data types, and their constructors, done.
Adapting Our Code: The Counter
Now that we’ve changed our types, we’ll need to go through the code we wrote previously for interpret
ing expressions, and adapt it accordingly.
First, let’s adapt our counter
functions. Since they all derive from updateCounter
, let’s adapt that first, and the other two functions (setCounter
and stepCounter
) will follow.
-- The original `updateCounter` function:
updateCounter :: (Label -> Label) -> State label -> State label
updateCounter f state@(State {..}) = state { counter = f counter }
Since our new counter has only changed type, updateCounter
actually only needs a new type signature! The code itself can remain unchanged.
updateCounter :: (Either label Position -> Either label Position) -> State label -> State label
updateCounter f state@(State {..}) = state { counter = f counter }
The set
and step
functions continue from this easily:
setCounter :: Either label Position -> State label -> State label
setCounter pos = updateCounter (const pos)
stepCounter :: State label -> State label
stepCounter = updateCounter (fmap succ)
In setCounter
, nothing needs to be changed except the type again. In stepCounter
, we use fmap
to only increment Right
Adapting Our Code: The Registers
(Not so) surprisingly, in the case of our register functions (getReg
, setReg
, updateReg
), only the types need a slight change!
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- The original register functions, but with updated types
getReg :: Register -> State label -> Integer
getReg target (State {..})
= fromMaybe 0 $ Data.Map.lookup target registers
setReg :: Register -> Integer -> State label -> State label
setReg target val state@(State {..})
= state { registers = Data.Map.insert target val registers }
updateReg :: Register -> (Integer -> Integer) -> State label -> State label
updateReg target f state = setReg target (f $ getReg target state) state
Adapting Our Code: The Interpreter
What about the interpreter? It turns out that this code, too, can be copied wholesale with no changes and only a new type-signature, and it will run just fine!
-- The original `interpret` function
interpret :: Instruction (Either label Position) -> State label -> State label
interpret (Inc register) state = stepCounter $ updateReg register succ state
interpret (Decjz register label) state
| getReg register state == 0 = setCounter label state
| otherwise = stepCounter $ updateReg register pred state
Running the Machine
Finally, our run
function needs to be adapted to take the machine from newly-revamped data type to working system.
As before, our run
function will use a currInstruction
function. Let’s adapt that first:
-- Retrieve the instruction pointed at by the counter, if any
import Data.Array ((!))
currInstruction :: Machine -> Maybe Instruction
currInstruction (Machine {..})
= case counter state of
Left label -> Nothing
Right pos -> program ! pos
As you can see, we’ve had to handle the fact that the position might be Left label
with a case expression. Otherwise, everything proceeds as usual.
Here’s the kicker: that’s all that needed to change. Our run function stays identical to what it was before.
-- Same as "run :: (Instruction -> State -> State) -> Machine -> Machine"
run :: Interpreter -> Machine -> Machine
run interpret machine@(Machine {..})
= case currInstruction machine of
-- If there is no instruction, assume the machine has halted and return it
Nothing -> machine
-- If there is an instruction, transform the state using it, and run
-- the interpreter again on that new machine
Just instruction -> run interpret
$ machine { state = interpret instruction state }
Takeaways on Types
You’ll have noticed throughout the course of this post, a huge amount of the code we had to adapt was mechanical or didn’t need adapting at all, but we still got all of the guarantees that strong typing provides us about the operations of our register machines.
This is one of the core strengths of starting with types and breaking down functionality into small units on the instruction of those types: when you want to extend your system, all you need to do is adapt the types and then adapt the functions that use them, often in extremely straightforward and mechanical ways.
This approach is not exclusive to Haskell nor is it exclusive to FP - it applies to any programming language or paradigm you may choose to use with a modicum of typing.
What’s Next?
In Part 1, we covered the basics of building a Register Machine simulator in Haskell. This time, we added the nice-to-have that is labels, while demonstrating the guarantees and simple refactoring that typing gives us. Here is what remains from the list of TODOs we covered at the end of Part 1:
- Parser to read in RM pseudo-source-code like in section 1 and run it.
- “Macros”, so we can write and insert subprograms.
- Ability to add & interpret more instructions dynamically.
- Non-deterministic & probabilistic machines.
These and more will be covered in future blog posts! Or, if you can’t wait, you can look at the final implementation at my repository.