Register Machines, Part 1 - The Fundamentals
By Dylan Thinnes, Last Edited Wed 12 Feb 15:11:06 GMT 2020
Table of Contents
What are Register Machines?
Register machines, at their most basic level, are fairly easy to understand and explain.
Imagine a machine with an infinite number of “registers”, ,
, etcetera, which each contains a natural number (any integer
). Every register starts out containing
This machine also has a finite list of instructions, , which it executes in sequence. The machine keeps track of which instruction it’s currently on using a “counter” which indexes into
When the program counter moves past to a natural number for which no instruction is defined, we stop running the machine and say it has “halted”, meaning there is no further work to be done.
Each instruction can be one of two types: INC and DECJZ. Let’s cover what they do when executed:
INC is very simple: it is supplied a number “n” and increments the value in register by 1.
For example, the instruction INC 0
would increment the value in register by 1.
DECJZ is the “kitchen sink” instruction that gives us most of our power. It takes two natural numbers, “n” and “destination”.
If register , the instruction jumps the machine’s counter to the position denoted by “destination”.
If register , the instruction decrements register
by 1 and doesn’t jump.
For example, the instruction DECJZ 0 5
checks register . If the register contains 0, the machine jumps to the 5th instruction. Otherwise, it subtracts 1 from
and proceeds to the next instruction.
An Example Program
Let’s go through an example program. I’ve marked the current instruction with a *
, and I report the numbers in registers -
in a row at the top.
registers 0 0 0 0 0
*1: inc 0
2: decjz 0 7
3: inc 1
4: inc 2
5: inc 3
6: decjz 3 2
7: inc 4
The machine starts, as is only natural, at the beginning, with inc 0
. This increments the number in by 1. Then it steps forward to the next instruction. The machine state thus becomes:
registers 1 0 0 0 0
1: inc 0
*2: decjz 0 7
3: inc 1
4: inc 2
5: inc 3
6: decjz 3 2
7: inc 4
Now, the second instruction checks if is 0. Since it isn’t, we decrement
and progress to the next instruction:
registers 0 0 0 0 0
1: inc 0
2: decjz 0 7
*3: inc 1
4: inc 2
5: inc 3
6: decjz 3 2
7: inc 4
We’ll cover the next three instructions (3-5) together: since each is an inc
instruction, operating on ,
respectively, we increment each of those in sequence and end up finally at instruction 6.
registers 0 1 1 1 0
1: inc 0
2: decjz 0 7
3: inc 1
4: inc 2
5: inc 3
*6: decjz 4 2
7: inc 4
Now, decjz 3 2
checks if contains 0. Since it does, the machine jumps back to instruction 2.
registers 0 1 1 1 0
1: inc 0
*2: decjz 0 7
3: inc 1
4: inc 2
5: inc 3
6: decjz 4 2
7: inc 4
Similarly, decjz 0 7
checks if contains 0. Since it does, the machine jumps forwards to instruction 7.
registers 0 1 1 1 0
1: inc 0
2: decjz 0 7
3: inc 1
4: inc 2
5: inc 3
6: decjz 4 2
*7: inc 4
Finally, we execute the last increment, inc 4
, and finish with the following program:
registers 0 1 1 1 1
1: inc 0
2: decjz 0 7
3: inc 1
4: inc 2
5: inc 3
6: decjz 4 2
7: inc 4
Note that the program will “loop” around from 2 to 6 and back again as long as there is a positive value in . Every time it does this, it subtracts 1 from
, so we can expect the number of “loops” to be equal to the value initially in
. Each time we “loop”, we increment
. Once we are done looping, the program finishes by incrementing
This means that using the simple construct above, we have formed a for loop! It would be trivial to convert it to a while loop, simply by incrementing by 1 within the body of the loop, ensuring that
never is 0 when the
decjz 0 7
instruction gets executed.
Implementation in Haskell
So, now that you’ve been given an adequate versing in the fundamentals of register machines, let’s move on to writing an interpreter for it! All of the final code for this post is in my register-machine repo.
The Trivial
We will start with a trivial example and continue to expand the capabilities of our simulator in future blog posts “step by step” to demonstrate individual language features best.
I will try to use fairly simple Haskell with a minimal amount of clever currying, but here and there I will use a syntactical language extension, such as RecordWildCards
. Feel free to take breaks to look them up here whenever you encounter one you don’t know – they are usually not complicated and will make understanding this post easier.
Start with the Types
As in all good Haskell programs, we start with our (data)types. We will need:
- The type for instructions.
- The type for the full machine program, with numbers associated to instructions.
- The type for the machine state, with a program counter and registers.
- The type for the full machine, uniting state with program.
- The type for a “interpreter” function which steps the machine state forward, given an instruction.
These we can code up quickly:
import Data.Map
-- A data type for instructions - either the increment with its register or the
-- decjz with its register and label.
data Instruction = Inc Integer | Decjz Integer Integer
-- A program is just a list of instructions
type Program = [Instruction]
-- A counter is just a Integer
-- Registers are just a Map of Integer keys to Integer values
data State = State { counter :: Integer, registers :: Map Integer Integer }
-- Uniting state and program under a machine is trivial...
data Machine = Machine { program :: Program, state :: State }
-- An interpreter function taking an instruction and state to a new state
type Interpreter = Instruction -> State -> State
Note: You may ask why we separate
at all, or why we don’t have theInterpreter
function take a fullMachine
to anotherMachine
. The answer is that by splitting the two, we ensure that theInterpreter
function for an instruction can only mutate what it ought to be allowed to mutate in theMachine
- the program written should never change during execution of an instruction, so we hide its existence by making theInterpreter
only take a machine state and a single instruction to interpret.
For a little added type safety, we will differentiate Integer
s representing labels and those representing registers, using newtypes. This requires us to trivially adapt Instruction
and State
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
newtype Label = Label Integer
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Num)
newtype Register = Register Integer
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Num)
data Instruction = Inc Register | Decjz Register Label
data State = State { counter :: Label, registers :: Map Register Integer }
In the interest of speed, we can also adapt our Program
to a Map
or an Array
. I will go with Map
for now since it makes some example code snippets simpler, but there is little other reason to not choose Array
type Program = Map Label Instruction
The Interpreter
Great! Now, let’s implement the classical interpreter, which takes an Instruction
and progresses the State
In keeping with good programming practice, we break the problem down to digestible chunks. We’ll start with a couple of helper functions which help us set and retrieve Registers in a machine state.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
getReg :: Register -> State -> Integer
getReg target (State {..})
= fromMaybe 0 $ Data.Map.lookup target registers
setReg :: Register -> Integer -> State -> State
setReg target val state@(State {..})
= state { registers = insert target val registers }
updateReg :: Register -> (Integer -> Integer) -> State -> State
updateReg target f state = setReg target (f $ getReg target state) state
Note: In the actual implementation provided, I use lenses, which are a nifty concept you can find out about here. They eliminate the need to write separate get, set, and update functions. They can also do far more if you put in the hard time to learn them.
We’ll also write two helpers for the program counter: One for setting it (as we’d do with DECJZ), and one for stepping it forward by 1 (as we’d do with INC). We implement both of these using an update function under the hood.
updateCounter :: (Label -> Label) -> State -> State
updateCounter f state@(State {..}) = state { counter = f counter }
setCounter :: Label -> State -> State
setCounter i = updateCounter (const i)
stepCounter :: State -> State
stepCounter = updateCounter succ
Now that we’ve set up our helper functions, implementing the interpreter is not nearly as daunting a task. We implement it for each of the two instructions individually using pattern matching. Let’s begin with implementing INC:
interpret :: Interpreter -- same as ":: Instruction -> State -> State"
interpret (Inc register) state = stepCounter $ updateReg register succ state
Wow, that’s pretty simple! All we did was call updateReg
to increment the register, and then call stepCounter
on the resulting state to increment the counter. Of course, INC is a simple instruction – let’s try the much more complex DECJZ.
interpret (Decjz register label) state
| getReg register state == 0 = setCounter label state
| otherwise = stepCounter $ updateReg register pred state
That too, was not so complicated! If the register was 0, we set the counter to the new label. Otherwise, we decrement the register and step the counter again.
Tying up the Interpreter
So, in not so many complicated lines, of which most were boilerplate helpers, we’ve implemented the register machine’s core functionality!
However, we are not done yet, we still need to turn the Interpreter
into a run
function that can step the machine state in one go until it halts. We make this a higher-order function, so that the interpreter
is not aware of any of the specifics of the full machine, and in turn the run
function is not aware of any of the specifics of the instructions it is running.
We start with a little helper which retrieves the instruction in a Machine currently pointed to by the counter (if any).
-- Retrieve the instruction pointed at by the counter, if any
currInstruction :: Machine -> Maybe Instruction
currInstruction (Machine {..}) = program !? counter state
Now, we finally write the run
function, which 1. takes an interpreter and a machine 2. continuously steps the machine until the counter ends up in a position where there are no instructions, indicating the machine has halted 3. returns that last machine with the invalid counter
-- Same as "run :: (Instruction -> State -> State) -> Machine -> Machine"
run :: Interpreter -> Machine -> Machine
run interpret machine@(Machine {..})
= case currInstruction machine of
-- If there is no instruction, assume the machine has halted and return it
Nothing -> machine
-- If there is an instruction, transform the state using it, and run
-- the interpreter again on that new machine
Just instruction -> run interpret
$ machine { state = interpret instruction state }
Note: We can break this down further, by having a
function that only takes a single step of typeMachine -> Maybe Machine
, and using an “unfold” function to create the infinite list of machine states. This gives us much finer control over our iteration and hides fewer details while exposing some that we may want, and is how I would normally do it.
There we go, we’ve made it, the run
ner to our interpret
Isn’t that pretty cool?
Extending our Machines
We’ve created an appropriate simulator for the most basic register machines, but what next? Let’s write down a few nice to haves to think about them:
- Ability to write textual labels so we don’t need to count line numbers before writing a jump.
- Parser to read in RM pseudo-source-code like in section 1 and run it.
- “Macros”, so we can write and insert subprograms.
- Ability to add & interpret more instructions dynamically.
- Non-deterministic & probabilistic machines.
These and more will be covered in future blog posts! Or, if you can’t wait, you can look at the final implementation at my repository.