Dylan Thinnes
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I am a student of Comp Sci at the University of Edinburgh.
In my spare time, I enjoy camping, Aikido, and coding.
Register Machines, Part 3 - Custom Instructions
Register Machines, Part 3 - Custom Instructions

Register Machines, Part 3 - Custom Instructions

By Dylan Thinnes, Last Edited Tue 21 Apr 16:37:34 BST 2020

Defining Custom Instructions

This is the third post in a series on implementing register machines in Haskell. If you haven’t read parts 1 or 2, I’d recommend you go back to read them:
Register Machines, Part 1 - The Fundamentals
Register Machines, Part 2 - Freeform Labels

Our new objective for today is to open up our machines and add a key piece of functionality: the ability to add new instructions to our instruction set, without needing to know any of the other instructions.

Why Do We Need This?

You may ask: Why is this a whole blog post? Can’t we just take our Instruction data structure and add a new constructor and update our Interpreter to define it?

For example, if we wanted to add a Move instruction, that copies one register to another, surely we could update our code like this:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

data Instruction label
    = Inc ...                -- Keep Inc constructor unchanged
    | Decjz ...              -- Keep Decjz constructor unchanged
    | Move Register Register -- Add new Move constructor
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

interpret :: Instruction (Either label Position) -> State label -> State label
interpret (Inc ...) state = ...   -- Keep Inc interpreter unchanged
interpret (Decjz ...) state = ... -- Keep Decjz interpreter unchanged
interpret (Move from to) state    -- Add Move interpreter
    = setReg to (getReg register state) state

Yes, this is very straightforward, but as with many straightforward solutions, it obscures and ignores a good number of details and thorny issues:

  1. All or nothing

    Our data constructor provides all the constructors, or none of them. You can’t, for example, design a machine that only uses a subset of the constructors and doesn’t bother with the rest.

    Seeing as technically DECJZ and INC are all one needs to be turing complete, forcibly bundling in nice-to-haves like MOVE and JUMP limits the usability of our machine as a means for experimentation.

  2. Extensible for me, but not for thee

    This mode of extension works fine for us, the library authors, who can edit the source as we please. However, users of our library can’t add their own instructions or have any of their own ideas about instruction sets.

    Our code is thus unusable as a package. The only way one can experiment with our code is to edit it directly, which is not only error-prone but also allows the “users” of our code to change everything, not just our instruction set.

  3. One module to rule them all

    Finally, even for us, the library authors, there are some limits, namely that we have to define all of the constructors at one site in one module. We can’t develop our instructions and iterate them separately in separate modules, we have to write a single monolith module, wholly responsible for all construction and interpretation.

The Expression Problem

Turns out that this is a well-articulated problem/solution pair that goes by the name “The Expression Problem”, named thus by Philip Wadler in 1998.

The expression problem is a new name for an old problem. The goal is to define a datatype by cases, where one can add new cases to the datatype and new functions over the datatype, without recompiling existing code, and while retaining static type safety (e.g., no casts).

Today we’ll be solving this problem using methods expounded in the paper / functional pearl “Data Types a la Carte” by Swierstra. This paper is one of the easier reads out there as PLT papers go, so I would encourage you to read it if you feel reasonably confident in Haskell. Or don’t, and read on for a practical demonstration anyways.

Harnessing the Power of the Sum

This is all a result of all our constructors being pooled together. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just define each constructor as its own datatype and only unify them later in the Interpreter and Machine as we needed them?

Turns out there’s a way to do this: Sum. Briefly, let’s explore what a Sum is to our system.

First Intuition

Let’s begin with a basic pair of instructions, with no freeform labels, like we had in the first post:

data OldInstruction = Decjz Register Position | Inc Register

Notice the bar which I’ve pointed to in the code. This bar can actually be considered as syntactic sugar which eventually would convert into this:

data Decjz = Decjz Register Position
data Inc = Inc Register
type Instruction = Either Decjz Inc

As you can see, our new definition of Instruction is isomorphic to the old one - both definitions can easily be converted from one to the other. However, where one defines a new data type with two constructors, the new one defines two data types and type synonym to Either to unify them.

Not only that, but by factoring out our two instruction to two independent data types with one constructor each, we’ve managed to technically split our instruction set into two instruction sets, each containing only a single instruction.

More than 3 Constructors

We can go further and factor out datatypes containing more than two constructors by recursively wrapping things in Either. Let’s convert our MOVE instruction set from the beginning of this post (ignoring labels again):

-- Old instructions, no label
data OldInstruction = Decjz Position Register | Inc Register | Move Register Register

-- New instructions, without Move
data Decjz = Decjz Position Register
data Inc = Inc Register
type Instruction = Either Decjz Inc

-- New instructions, with Move
data Move = Move Register Register
type InstructionPrime = Either Instruction Move

Notice how we reused the previous factoring work we did for Decjz and Inc into Instruction to construct a new type InstructionPrime. This reuse means that we can combine both individual instructions and existing groups of instructions with impunity.

Insert labels

We can also insert labels back into our instructions, provided we paramaterize our type synonym.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
data OldInstruction label = Inc Register | Decjz Register label
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

data Inc label   = Inc Register
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
data Decjz label = Decjz Register label
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
type Instruction label = Either (Inc label) (Decjz label)

However, there is a problem with using Either here: the Functor instance that was declared on OldInstruction in the code snippet does not exist on Instruction label. We will cover how to get that back in a moment.

Just like an Either

Thus, our first intuition for a Sum is that it is identical to an Either - it allows us to take the unions that we normally express with bar (|) in our data declarations and explicitly implement them, splitting our datatypes in the process.

Bringing it back to Functors

As mentioned a bit further up, Either has the unfortunate side-effect of not preserving the Functor instances for the constructors it unifies.

Fortunately, we can create a new datatype, which we will call Sum, which properly unifies two Functors into one:

data Sum f g a = L (f a) | R (g a)
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance (Functor l, Functor r) => Functor (Sum l r) where
    fmap f (L la) = L (fmap f la)
    fmap f (R ra) = R (fmap f ra)

I could have derived that functor instance automatically using DeriveFunctor, but I wrote it by hand so that you could inspect the Sum type’s functoriality for yourself. Do not worry too much if the signature is a lot to swallow (and if it’s obvious to you, well done!). We will proceed to use this by hand, so you get a feel for it.

Summing our Instructions

Now that we are armed with our new Sum type, let’s convert our existing, latest instruction set, with labels and all.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
data OldInstruction label = Inc Register | Decjz Register label
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

data Decjz label = Decjz Register label
    deriving (Functor)
data Inc label = Inc Register
    deriving (Functor)
type Instruction = Sum Decjz Inc

See how our new version of Sum Inc Decjz, unlike Either Inc Decjz, will have a Functor instance that is identical to that of OldInstruction.

We can even add our new Move instruction easily, simply by defining it.

data Move label = Move Register Register
    deriving (Functor)
type InstructionPrime = Sum (Sum Decjz Inc) Move
--   InstructionPrime = Sum Instruction     Move

We have now disassembled our Instruction data type into singular pieces and glued them back together using Sum. This another common tenet of FP languages: Breaking down a normally rigid data structure into a few independent pieces and higher-level “combinators”, like Sum. This makes the behaviour of our data structures easy to dissect and reason about.

Adapting the Interpreter

Alright, we have built a new Instruction using our Sum that is identical to our original, rigid type. Let’s quickly adapt our interpret function to handle this new datatype, just to prove that our Instruction hasn’t changed.

interpret :: Instruction (Either label Position) -> State label -> State label
interpret (R (Inc register)) state = stepCounter $ updateReg register succ state
interpret (L (Decjz register label)) state
    | getReg register state == 0 = setCounter label state
    | otherwise                  = stepCounter $ updateReg register pred state

Isn’t that something! The only changes, if you can even see them, from our previous code, was pattern matching on the L and the R constructors that contain the Decjz and Inc constructors / types respectively.

Generalizing Interpret

There is an obvious problem with our implementation of interpret: it’s just as rigid as the our last implementation. Alas, we have created the ability to add new instructions freely to our instruction sets, but our interpreter still expects a rigid signature of exactly the same instructions every time.

We need to not only split our constructors for our data types, we now need to split our interpreters or “destructors” too.

We can begin by creating a typeclass, IsInstruction, which marks a given data type as an instruction. We’ll make interpretInstr a function belonging to this typeclass, so any IsInstruction can be interpreted.

class IsInstruction instr where
    interpretInstr :: instr (Either label Position) -> State label -> State label

Implementing the IsInstruction typeclass for both Decjz and Inc is as simple as copying the code that we’ve already written for our previous implementation of interpret. However, since the typeclass gets defined on one instruction data type, we define these interpretInstr functions separately.

-- Previous, rigid implementation of interpret:
interpret :: IsInstruction (Either label Position) -> State label -> State label
interpret (R (Inc register)) state = stepCounter $ updateReg register succ state
interpret (L (Decjz register label)) state
    | getReg register state == 0 = setCounter label state
    | otherwise                  = stepCounter $ updateReg register pred state

instance IsInstruction Inc where
    -- Copy over code from first pattern match in `interpret` to here
    interpretInstr (Inc register) state = stepCounter $ updateReg register succ state

instance IsInstruction Decjz where
    -- Copy over code from second pattern match in `interpret` to here
    interpretInstr (Decjz register label) state
        | getReg register state == 0 = setCounter label state
        | otherwise                  = stepCounter $ updateReg register pred state

What’s Left?

Great, but now we need to be able to combine these interpretInstr functions for any Sum of instructions we may create. That’s really easy with typeclasses! Take a look:

instance (IsInstruction f, IsInstruction g) => IsInstruction (Sum f g) where
    interpretInstr (L f) state = interpretInstr f state
    interpretInstr (R g) state = interpretInstr g state

This instance fully describes how to interpret an instruction set that is composed of two further instruction sets. It is easier to read if you break it down bit by bit:

  • The first line of code says the following:

    If a functor f is an IsInstruction, and a functor g is an IsInstruction, then their sum, expressed Sum f g, is also an IsInstruction.

  • The second line of code says:

    If you attempt to interpret a instruction of type Sum l r, and you find a left instance L, you can assume that it contains a value of type f (Either label Position), and since we know f is an IsInstruction by line 1, we can interpret it using the interpretInstr function defined for f.

  • The third line of code says:

    Similarly, if you attempt to interpret a instruction of type Sum l r, and you find a right instance R, you can assume that it contains a value of type g (Either label Position), and since we know that g too is an IsInstruction by line 1, we can interpret it using the interpretInstr function defined for g.

In a way, the instance for Sum f g is about as plain-English as code can get.


Finally, we can redefine our interpret function as interpretInstr, or the other way around, depending on our preference:

interpret :: IsInstruction instr => instr (Either label Position) 
                                 -> State label -> State label
interpret = interpretInstr

There we have it: the free ability to mix and match instructions, across modules and compilations, inside and outside the package, and a free interpreter to go along with it!

Parameterize labels to Assembly, Machines, and “run”

Note: This parameterize subsection was added later on the suggestion of a friend.

Of course, with the ability to mix and match instructions, we need to be able to put them inside our Program, Machine, Assembly, assembled, and run. As of the redefinition of interpret all of those function will be broken. Luckily, by working with types this process is quite mechanical and easy!

Our old definitions of Program, Machine, and Assembly encoded Instruction statically like this:

type Program instr label = [(Maybe label, Instruction label)]
type Assembled label = Array Position (Instruction (Either label Position))
data Machine label = Machine
    { assembled :: Assembled label
    , state :: State label

You can see that Program and Assembled are where Instruction is placed, so to allow free-form Instructions, we need to add a new argument instr to all three types to replace Instruction.

-- Add instr parameter, replace Instruction
type Program instr label = [(Maybe label, instr label)]
-- Add instr parameter, replace Instruction
type Assembled instr label = Array Position (instr (Either label Position))
-- Add instr parameter, pass to Assembled
data Machine instr label = Machine
    { assembled :: Assembled instr label
    , state :: State label

Adapting assemble, toMachine, and run now only require a few type signatures to change. We’ll start with assemble.

First, here is the old code for assemble in full:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Map ((!?))

assemble :: forall label. (Ord label) => Program label -> Assembled label
assemble program = assembled
    -- First, get labels with positions
    lpos = labelsPositions program
    -- Define a function which will "assemble" a given label to a Position, if
    -- it exists
    assembleLabel :: label -> Either label Position
    assembleLabel label = mayToErr (lpos !?) label
    -- Get all instructions, and "assemble" their labels, using fmap
    instrs :: [Instruction (Either label Position)]
    instrs = map (fmap assembleLabel) (map snd program)
    -- Zip together positions and instrs, and turn that into an Array
    assembled = listToArray instrs

And what follows is a brief of the only changes that need to be made to update assemble:

-- old sig: forall label.       (Ord label)                => Program       label -> Assembled       label
assemble :: forall label instr. (Functor instr, Ord label) => Program instr label -> Assembled instr label
assemble program = assembled
    -- old sig :: [Instruction (Either label Position)]
    instrs     :: [instr       (Either label Position)]

As you can see, only a few type signatures were changed - no code actually had to change. Similarly, toMachine only needs a change in type signature:

-- Old version
toMachine :: (Ord label) => Program label -> Machine label
toMachine program = Machine (assemble program) (State (Right 0) Data.Map.empty)
-- New version
toMachine :: (Functor instr, Ord label) => Program instr label -> Machine instr label
toMachine program = Machine (assemble program) (State (Right 0) Data.Map.empty)

Changes for run also involve the removal of the interpret parameter, since we now get interpret from the IsInstruction constraint. Otherwise, only types change. Here is the old version:

run :: Interpreter label -> Machine label -> Machine label
run interpret machine@(Machine {..})
    = case currInstruction machine of
        -- If there is no instruction, assume the machine has halted and return it
        Nothing -> machine
        -- If there is an instruction, transform the state using it, and run
        -- the interpreter again on that new machine
        Just instruction -> run interpret
                          $ machine { state = interpret instruction state }

And here is the new version:

run :: IsInstruction instr => Machine instr label -> Machine instr label
run machine@(Machine {..}) -- Remove "interpret" parameter
    = case currInstruction machine of
        -- If there is no instruction, assume the machine has halted and return it
        Nothing -> machine
        -- If there is an instruction, transform the state using it, and run
        -- the interpreter again on that new machine
        Just instruction -> run -- Remove passing in of "interpret" parameter
                          $ machine { state = interpret instruction state }

A Minor Caveat

The caveat is this: when constructing our programs by hand, we now need to explicitly wrap our constructors in L and in R, like so:

myProgram :: Program String
myProgram =
    [ (Nothing,     R (Inc (Register 0)))
    , (Just "loop", L (Decjz (Register 0) "halt"))
    , (Nothing    , R (Inc (Register 1)))
    , (Nothing    , R (Inc (Register 2)))
    , (Nothing    , R (Inc (Register 3)))
    , (Nothing    , L (Decjz (Register 4) "loop"))
    , (Just "exit", R (Inc (Register 4)))

That may not seem like such a big issue now, but it becomes worse: as you add more instructions to your instruction set, you need to add more and more nested L and R constructors.

This obviously isn’t ideal, and Swierstra’s paper, “Data Types a la Carte”, which I mentioned at the beginning of this blog post, explains how the clever use of typeclasses can give you an “injector” function inj which automatically adds the correct L and R constructors. The particularly motivated should feel free to read the paper and understand how to implement such a function, but such an explanation would make this blog post far too long.

What’s Next?

In Part 1, we covered the basics of building a Register Machine simulator in Haskell. In Part 2, we added the nice-to-have that is labels, while demonstrating the guarantees and simple refactoring that typing gives us. Now, we implemented arguably the most powerful feature so far, custom instructions that can transcend module and compilation boundaries, while still being type-safe.

Here is what remains from the list of TODOs we covered at the end of Part 1:

  • Parser to read in RM pseudo-source-code like in section 1 and run it.
  • “Macros”, so we can write and insert subprograms.
  • Non-deterministic & probabilistic machines.

These and more will be covered in future blog posts! Or, if you can’t wait, you can look at the final implementation at my repository.

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